Mjduniverse Forum upgraded from SMF to PhpBB!
All, The Mjduniverse.com forums has been upgraded to PhpBB! Changes and notes: Mjduniverse.com accounts are now intergrated with Mjduniverse Forum accounts! If you can't login, just click on "Forgot my…
All, The Mjduniverse.com forums has been upgraded to PhpBB! Changes and notes: Mjduniverse.com accounts are now intergrated with Mjduniverse Forum accounts! If you can't login, just click on "Forgot my…
My user account on sploder.com has 50,000 views!
The NEW Mjduniverse series wiki is launced.
The NEW Mjduniverse Series Wiki V.2 is launched.
I have games Such As A kid who had infinte candy and A kid who meet slenderman, and they are getting good views!
Hello everyone! I have found this website Called Sploder back in July of 2012. I put my series there and its getting a lot of views! I joined as the…
My series has 500 Views On 3D warehouse!